Sunway University and Public Relations and Communications Association of Malaysia (PRCA Malaysia) have entered into a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to strengthen academic-industry collaboration.

The MoU was signed on 7 December 2021 by Vice-Chancellor, Professor Graeme Wilkinson
(Sunway University), on behalf of Sunway University, and PRCA Malaysia President, Andy See.

“It is important that universities such as Sunway and organisations such as the Public Relations and Communications Association work together so that the latest thinking and developments in the industry are reflected in the teaching that takes place in universities. In particular in Sunway, we have degrees in Communication and in Advertising and Branding that are popular and lead to highly employable graduates” said Professor Graeme Wilkinson (Sunway University).

“Collaborations like this one help us keep these programmes at the cutting edge. At the same time, we hope that some of the ideas and thinking arising from the very bright academics that we employ in the university, who come from very diverse backgrounds including from overseas, can inspire PR industry professionals to be innovative and to explore new ways of developing their businesses. Sharing of knowledge and new ideas is the key to success in any field.” He added.

PRCA Malaysia and its industry experts will be able to provide Sunway University students with the hands on industry skills that they might not otherwise have the opportunity to gain. Through this MoU, students will be given the opportunity to intern with the PRCA Malaysia member companies, giving them the chance to work on real-life briefs and projects, and interact with established brand names.

“Today, brands and reputations can be built and destroyed in a matter of minutes. There is no better time to be in the PR and Communications business as we have the opportunity to put the strategic communications agenda right at the core of business or organisational strategy,” said Andy See.

“In addition, the partnership that we will build through this MOU between Sunway University and PRCA Malaysia is indeed in line with the objective of the industry body. PRCA Malaysia has always supported efforts to raise the overall standards of PR professionals as part of its overall strategy to uplift and safeguard the interest of the industry,” he added.

The parties signed on to a two-year long collaboration which will allow students the opportunity to be involved in more industry-specific, hands-on training, such as dialogue sessions, workshops and the chance to participate in PRCA’s industry programmes. These opportunities will provide them with practical knowledge of the PR profession and better prepare them for their future in the industry.

Sunway University is a leading private university in Malaysia, known for their dedication to quality higher education and research, to better respond to global issues. This relationship with PRCA, which is involved in the upskilling and development of industry talents, will explore a new opportunity for students interested in pursuing a career in public relations and industries related to it. This decision also falls in line with Sunway University’s decision to introduce two new degree programmes within their Department of Communication (DoC), a degree in Digital Media Journalism and a graduate degree in International Public Relations. Currently, Sunway University offers two undergraduate programmes, a B.A. (Hons) in Communication (BCOM) and a B.A. (Hons) in Advertising and Branding (BAB).