Happy New Year!

PRCA Malaysia finished the year with an amazing celebration of our industry’s work through the Malaysia PR Awards 2021. The hybrid event connected many of us from all over the country to recognise the best in our industry. Congratulations to all the winners!

We were also honoured to recognise Tan Sri Dato’ Seri Dr. Noor Hisham Abdullah, the Director-General of Health, Malaysia as the recipient of PRCA Malaysia’s Leadership Award at the MPRA 2021. Indeed, this is a tribute of his contribution to our nation during these trying times of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Despite the challenges and strict adherence to the COVID-19 SOPs, we are touched by the support given to us by the many sponsors and partners. MPRA made a very strong comeback and the credit goes to the dedicated members of the Organising Committee co-headed by my PRCA Exco colleagues – Prof. Mohd Said Bani C.M. Din (bzBee Consult) and Stefanie Braukmann (Strategic Public Relations).

On top of it, I am pleased that we have also signed a MOU with Sunway University, one of Malaysia’s top private institution of higher learning, to strengthen academic-industry collaboration. The partnership that we will build through this MOU is indeed in line with the core objective of PRCA Malaysia.

Over the last couple of years, the industry has been challenged more than ever to step up and reinvent ourselves. The pandemic has compounded the issue and reminded us how critical communications is in any crisis. I must take this opportunity, together with my fellow Exco members to recognise our industry colleagues and peers, who have worked tirelessly during this period. It was certainly not an easy period for each and every one of us.

In this regard, the PR and Communications industry must push for higher standards in the work that we develop and deliver whether in the government, civil society or private corporations.

As custodians of the PR and Communications function, we have to help shape a meaningful and purpose-driven agenda. Importantly, to build trust with stakeholders, we must move beyond business or economic value alone. The well-being of the people and the planet must also form a core part of the narrative and work we do. This should be and must be the new PR and Communications landscape we strive to cultivate in Malaysia.

The year 2022 is significant for us as an Association. The current term of office for the Exco will be coming to an end. The upcoming AGM will be important for us to elect new office bearers to steer the Association forward.

In the coming weeks, the Secretariat will be communicating the process and procedures for the AGM and we hope you will join us to discuss the growth plans for the industry.

It is an exciting journey ahead and there is no better time for PR professionals to reinvent or reimagine ourselves. PRCA Malaysia is here to work hand-in-hand with the industry.

Carpe Diem and Happy New Year!

Andy See Teong Leng
PRCA Malaysia